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TPCARTAGENA MM is an association declared of Public Utility, therefore if you donate you are in luck, your generosity will be rewarded, in our case the donations have tax benefits. Make a minimum donation of € 5 and choose your own gift! Contact us by email with your donation information and the image of your chosen product.


Remember, all of our products are handmade and each model is unique. If you want more quantity of a style, we can do it but everything will be different! You can also count on our products to give away in your celebrations, while simultaneously saving lives. We will be grateful if you make the order with enough advance time and we will prepare it with great pleasure.


If you have any questions, contact us by WhatsApp: +34 687092289




Bank data:
CAJA RURAL REGIONAL: ES68 3018 5751 8020 2127 7922

LA CAIXA: ES36 2100 2192 8702 0048 2648

BANKIA: ES74 2038 3054 7160 0065 3358

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